Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fasted cardio for FASTER fat loss

So I got a few questions about fasted cardio... How to do it, why to do it, and what to eat post workout. Hope ya'll are ready for this next level shit I'm about to throw your way on this topic b/c here comes the BOOM!

I'm sure many of you peeps have endlessly ran like a hamster on a treadmill or slaved away on a stationary bike and despite being on a "bike," you get nowhere results wise.... your same happy (sometimes fluffy lol) ass is sitting on that bike with no progress to show for it.

Before you reach in the fridge or pantry next morning you workout for breakfast to "fuel" your day.... how about you make your body earn that meal with a little fasted cardio??

Here is how it works:

When you eat breakfast, you restore your glycogen levels and insulin levels are spiked... so when you do cardio it will take more intensity and work to reach your fat storage. Your body uses 3 storages in a specific order for energy and fuel. The first storage system is your carbohydrates, then fat, and finally protein. Most people only last through the carbohydrate storage phase so right when you reach your fat storage, you say, "whewww that's a wrap!"

Well if your goal is fat loss and trimming up, wouldn't it be a lot easier to just skip to the fat storage?!! Yeah I thought so too :P When you first wake up, put on your dang nikes (bc they are my shiiiit), plug in those headphones and get on your cardio grind!! By skipping breakfast, your glycogen levels (carbohydrates) are wiped the faqqq out and are next to none. With your carb tank empty, guess who is next in line?!! Yup, that stubborn fat dude. So when you start doing your cardio, your body is FORCED to reach to your fat storage for energy since protein is it's last resort. Now spot reduction is IMPOSSIBLE, but you may be able to burn the fat storages in areas that are very stubborn doing this method such as abdominal, hips, and thigh fat.

How to do it:

Go do your cardio on an empty stomach when you wake up (You are allowed black coffee, green tea, and water though). Don't go above 30 mins though or you might spill over to your protein storages which means lean muscle mass lost... OH NO, NOT MY HARD EARNED GAINS?!!!

If you are worried about losing your precious muscle, take some BCAA supplement beforehand to prevent muscle breakdown

Or drink one scoop of a whey protein shake so your guns won't be puny over time.

The intensity is up to you and really it comes down to your overall diet! Since I keep my diet on point and I keep my intensity high in the weight room, my cardio is never crazy enough to the point where I hate it. Walking on an inclined treadmill matched with a moderate level elliptical for 30 mins (15 mins each) is enough for me right now according to my goals.

What to eat afterward:

Now this part is extremely important. You don't want all these strategic planning and hard work doing cardio to be wasted and for nothing. JUST B/C YOU KILLED SOME FASTED CARDIO DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE OK TO PIG OUT. I always prepackage my 1st meal with me to eat immediately after so I don't binge or make a poor choice food wise in result of that starved, desperate feeling. Your body is screaming for glycogen at this point so stay strong and bring your meal with you!!! I usually take about 4-6 oz of a lean protein (don't fill up your fat storage levels so quickly again after this process) such as turkey, chicken, fish, or egg whites. If you have the hankering for something "fatty" or sweet try to stick with a handful nuts or my favorite, non fat dannon greek yogurt that is only 80 calories. Carbs wise, stick to leafy greens or starchy veggies like broccoli, squash, carrots, etc. If you are going to lift afterward, I recommend eating a complex carb to last throughout your workout such as plain oatmeal.

Now go out there and LITERALLY kill your fat like a hungry beast with some fasted cardio. The endorphins alone are addicting and goes well with that burned fat :)

  • Now remember, your diet HAS to be on point for this to work. It is best to eat smaller portions every few hours throughout the day after your fasted cardio.


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